Wellness Uprising

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People with pessimistic attitudes go through life feeling as though they are swimming upstream, fighting their thoughts and emotions every day. They want to feel more optimistic, but something inside gets in the way. When they are faced with an obstacle, they begin to feel they are undeserving. If they are rejected for a job, they feel that they are not good enough to have any job. They tell themselves that everyone thinks they are stupid, and the cycle of pessimism traps them into psychological immobility. Everyone experiences rejection at some time, but when your mind focuses on the negative aspects of a situation, it is hard to find inner peace. Reiki is one way to achieve the balanced perspective needed to circumvent pessimism and find inner peace.

The first step in finding inner peace is to think carefully about your goals. This requires some degree of clarity. What are you trying to achieve, and what are you doing that will take you there? Can you realistically reach your goals, or are you setting goals that are far beyond your reach? Do you have any goals? By putting your priorities in order, you will be on the path to peace; only chaos can result from clutter and disorganization of the mind. Start by setting small goals that can be easily achieved. Then, instead of focusing on failure, you can see the small victories along the way to reaching your goal. If you fail to reach a goal, or if you encounter a delay, use this situation to learn how to do better and move forward. Don’t wallow in your failure.

When you feel good about yourself, you will have an easier time finding peace of mind. Peace is essential for happiness. If you constantly feel sad, you are living under a great weight that brings you down to a point where you may find yourself in a prolonged state of self-pity. Self-pity only encourages negative thinking. Remember, you are not the only person facing rejection or hurt in life. There are others in more dire situations. People with negative thinking miss out on inner peace because they let every little setback throw them off track. They criticize themselves and tread down a road that leads to misery.

Sometimes, hearing the word “No” is a good thing. If you’ve lost out on a job, maybe that is for the best. What if you had been awarded a job position only to find out that it was not what you really wanted, or that the situation did not serve your highest good? Perhaps someone says “No” to you to keep you from hurting yourself. Maybe they say “No” because they love you. Try to see “No” as a sign from the Universe that now is not the best time, or the thing to which you aspire is not the best thing for you.

Everyone must face rejection at some time, so we would do well to turn our rejections into positive actions. Taking action can lead you to inner peace because activity makes you feel more positive about a situation. Positive attitudes result in peaceful states of mind. If you find yourself feeling bad all the time, try to break the cycle and get out of the habit of doing so. You can train your mind to think more positively. It will take work and effort, but it will lead you to inner peace, and this will be worthwhile.

Reiki can be a very effective way to overcome rejection. During a 45-60 minute session, you will be guided to go inward, open yourself to intuition, and shift your perspective to see things as they really ARE When you see things from a balanced point of view, you will see that rejection is simply an opportunity for course correction. Once you open yourself to positive possibilities, you will find your way to inner peace.