5 Signs of Energy Body Injury

“Slow down, baby, you’re going too fast. You’ve got your hands in the air with your feet on the gas. You’re ‘bout to wreck your future, runnin’ from your past. You need to slow down, baby.” ~ India.Arie

 The mass consciousness is shifting and everyone is feeling the pain. We are constantly under physical, mental, emotional and spiritual attack. The strongest survivors are taking extraordinary steps to shield and protect themselves, but too many don’t even know where to begin. In fact, they may not even be aware of what is happening. We know what it feels like when the physical body is injured or exhausted. But how do our psychic and emotional bodies respond to injury?

  1.  Chronic fatigue. Even if you have not been clinically diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, you may feel weary and worn all the time. You go to bed tired and wake up tired in the morning. The feeling persists no matter how much sleep you get or how much “down time” you take.

  2. Feeling abstract. When the mind and soul are exhausted, it is difficult to tap into your usual systems of support. You may isolate yourself from supportive friends and family, and/or be disconnected from universal source. You may feel confused, alone, afraid and helpless to do anything about it.

  3. Tearful. Do you find yourself tearing up or straight our bawling for no good reason? This is a sign of energy body fatigue. Your defenses are down, your chakras are dysfunctional, and your aura is weak and unable to appropriately process and understand day-to-day events. Because you are emotionally worn, your perception is skewed and your reactions are disproportionate to what is really happening.

  4. Compromised immune system. When your aura is weakened, it cannot sufficiently withstand toxic assault, and this translates into physical illness. This may manifest as anything from cold- and flu-like symptoms to heart disease, COPD or even cancer. Dis-ease is not our normal state of being.

  5. Insomnia or nightmares. Sleep is when the conscious mind surrenders itself to make way for messages from the Higher mind, which is tapped into the universal source of all knowledge. When we are mentally and spiritually fatigued, it becomes difficult to ‘power down’ for these nightly processing sessions. The conscious mind works overtime because the ego is trying to solve all of our problems instead of seeking help from Source.

Practitioners at Wellness Uprising are ready and waiting to support your self-healing efforts. Use the Services tab to learn more or schedule a session.