Everyone is worthy of heart-centered joy. Right here. Right now. In this lifetime. This can be achieved with a regular and ongoing practice of Reiki.

Reiki is a heart-centered practice. It encourages forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, and knowing when to let go. Reiki instills trust and allows us to shift our perspective from being on the outside looking in, to coming from the inside, where intuition and Higher mind reside.


Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, Will not be angry.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

The Five Reiki Principles are a gift from Sensei Mikao Usui. They help us to stay in the present as we navigate day-to-day challenges. Dr. Usui believed that by having these in our thoughts and what we say, we are able to live positive lives. If we dwell in doubt and other negative things, our dreams will never happen.

As Reiki practitioners, we should use our talent not only to heal ourselves and those around us but also the world at large. This is because attunement strengthens our thoughts, making us realize that we have a potential to do more in our life. The more we do in life, the more purposeful our existence, and the more genuine, heart-centered joy we can help others achieve.

Our creative power of divine heart and. mind connection is what sets us apart from other species on the planet. We just have to tap this gift and use it so we may be able to fulfill or even find our purpose in life.

One thing we have to remember is that there are universal laws that govern an abundance of joy and happiness. Seasons come and go and despite everything, we are just limitless beings. This is why humans must strive for the highest good and hold on to things that are of value. When we feel that things are not going our way, this is the time that we must reflect and see if the things that are considered to be important hold the same priority as they did before. If they do not, this must be removed and then changed to a positive energy that can produce something better. In essence, we let go of the old to make room for the new.

How do you begin this journey? By creating a list of what is important in your life and what brings you joy, reviewing each one, and then figuring out which of these have to go. It is best to pay attention to how you feel about each one and then only keep those that add value to your quality of life.

Receiving Reiki can be a pivotal starting point for profound self-healing, which will lead to genuine heart-centered joy. It is important to remember that your Reiki healing process does not end when your session ends. Universal life force energy continues to work toward your highest good for up to 21 days after each session. During this time, energy blockages are being released to support a gentle shift in your perspective —- empowering you to see things differently. When this new awareness takes effect, you will come to realize your innate ability to self-heal. This is probably the most important part of your Reiki healing process. Afterwards, you are better prepared to move on with life. This is how genuine heart-centered joy can be achieved, using Reiki as your guide.

To begin your journey to a life filled with all the joy you can stand, make Reiki a regular part of your self-care regimen.