Society has always been wary of allowing children to use essential oils the way adults typically do. When it comes to young people, there are many things to consider, especially when using essential oils.

We can’t exactly use them the same way we would use on ourselves. Children are way more sensitive and susceptible to ailments than we are, even from well-known products we would use on ourselves. The most important things to keep in mind when using essential oils for kids are the following:

  1. Quality, quality, quality! When it comes to children, their skin and bodies require the purest forms of the oil you could get.

  2. Dilute, always dilute! Children are sensitive, their skin is sensitive and so are their bodies. This is why when using the purest of the pure, you have to dilute it more than you would for yourself with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. This will avoid sensitivity rashes.

  3. Never, ever, EVER! Put oils directly into your child’s eyes, ears, or nose. This could be extremely harmful and will 100% send you on a trip to the ER.

Below are some guidelines for safe use of essential oils on children.


This will most likely happen quite a lot in children. Suffering from a sore throat can happen at any given moment and cause great discomfort. 

The best essential oils to use for sore throats are:

  • Clove oil

  • Eucalyptus oil 

  • Cinnamon oil

  • Rosemary oil

Depending on your child’s age, dilute any one of these oils and then apply it to their jawline and neck area. Otherwise, have them gargle a diluted solution: 3 drops of one of these oils into a shot glass of lukewarm water


The amazing thing about children using essential oils is that there is a specific market just for them with special blends for what they might need. If you need to open your child’s airways, clear congestion or clear a blocked nose then these are the best essential oils to use:

  • Eucalyptus oil

  • Tea tree oil

  • Peppermint oil

These work best when diffused into the air or you could even add a few drops to the shower.


An age-old issue that millions of people around the world suffer from, regardless of the season we’re in. The best essential oils to use for your child’s allergies are:

  • Lavender oil

  • Lemon oil

  • Peppermint oil

 Mix these three oils in equal parts (2 drops each) and add 5 drops of coconut oil with this. Apply this mixture to the bottoms of your child’s feet and their spine. This application works on adults, too.


 When it comes to itchy eyes, regardless of age, lavender oil is perfect to use. Lavender oil should be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and applied around the eye socket. This will naturally ease up the itching and discomfort.


Earaches can make anybody moody. These are often caused by viral infections; bacterial infections tend to clear on their own. Grape seed oil and garlic oil very effective.. Apply a diluted solution of these two essential oils behind the ear at least twice a day to see results.

Since children are highly sensitive, they require a different form of care than adults. Regardless of the ailment, if symptoms persist, see a doctor.