4 Problems Baking Soda Can Solve In Your Kitchen

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Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, can be used for hundreds of health, beauty, and household issues. Over the years, people have discovered uses for this fix-all product from laundry stains to auto care, body odor and athlete's foot fungus.It can dissolve into any liquid and it works to neutralize odor, grease, and more. It would be impossible to address all the wonderful things baking soda can do, so we'll start with our list of 4 problems baking soda can solve in your kitchen.

  1. Have you ever sat down for a quiet cup of hot tea, only to have it spoiled by bitterness? In an effort to balance out the taste, you might add milk, sugar or honey to mask the flavor, which may turn your healthy cup of delicious herb tea into a unhealthy cup of some unrecognizable liquid. Next time, sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda into your cup of tea. This is a natural approach to restoring pH balance and eliminating bitterness. In addition to improving the taste of some teas, sodium bicarbonate supports healthy functioning of the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems.

  2. Are you on a budget and sometimes have to opt for less expensive cuts of meat that may be tough? Combine a 1:4 mixture of baking soda and water. Pour over the cut of meat in a bowl and add seasonings to form a marinade. Soak for 15-20 minutes. Do not rinse. Cook and prepare the meat as desired and enjoy a delicious meal.

  3. Have you grown tired of trying to wash residue off fresh produce with ineffective soaps and cleansers that leave traces of harsh chemicals? For an all natural solution, mix 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water in a spray bottle or use as a soak. Use the sprayer for leafy greens and cruciferous veggies. Soaking is a better option for berries and softer, porous vegetables.

  4. Don’t let acid reflux ruin your day. Instead of over-the-counter antacids, try this natural, fast acting smoothie. Makes 2 servings:

  • 2 medium peeled and frozen bananas

  • 1 medium green apple (cored and chopped)

  • 1 tsp. baking soda

  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp. cloves

  • 3 cups vanilla almond milk

5 ways to unlock positive energy

"The secret of life is to fall seven times, and to get up eight times." ~ Paolo Coelho

No matter which side of the political argument you're on, the fight to be heard has been long, combative and exhausting. Weariness and despair have taken hold and, as a result, people are quick to treat others with discourtesy, disregard and outright hostility. But 2019 is finally here and it's time to reset the energy and shore up for whatever comes next. Things won't get better by themselves ... not for anyone; change requires purposeful action and a clear field of energy to eliminate overwhelm and restore balance and a sense of control. Here some things you can do to get positive energy flowing in your favor.

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Tidy Up! The KonMari method of finding what you want to keep (as opposed of identifying what you want to get rid of) to elimiinate clutter is based on Marie Kondo''s New York Times best seller, the life-changing magic of tidying up. Tidying Up, on Netflix, allows viewers an inside look at Kondo at work as she helps couples in California tidy up their homes to spark joy and restore balance to everyday living. Clearly an empath, Marie takes a moment to "introduce" herself to each home. She also taps books to wake them up before sorting and shelving or discarding.

Practice mindfulness. Clutter on the outside is sure sign of clutter on the inside. Are fear, anxiety and worry robbing you of your peace? Sometimes they sneak up on us before we know what's happening. There is a saying, "Everything is created twice; first in the mind and then in reality." Moodiness, sleeplessness, patterns of poor choices, feelings of overwhelm, messiness at home and/or in your workplace, holding on to trauma and old resentments, and focusing on the negative are just a few signs you need to take a mental "dump." Consider therapy. There is much to be gained by baring your soul to an impartial party. Start your search by asking people you trust for referrals, contacting your insurance company or your employer's EAP representative. If therapy does not resonate with you, think about adopting a mindfulness practice like yoga, Tai Chi or meditation. Yoga Bliss near Westchester/LAX offers a variety of classes and levels. Katrina Long is founder of Manifesting M.E. Mental and Emotional Wellness. She is also a WU Reiki grad, MSW, and CYT who has crafted an extraordinary practice called Aroma Flow. This gentle, trauma-informed yoga class is for all yoga levels and all levels of mental and emotional wellness. Classes take place on Thursdays at 8:30 PM and focus on connecting to the breath to relieve physical and mental stress. See details at https://www.crenshawyogaanddance.org/.

Go inward with Reiki. Wellness Uprising offers one-on-one Reiki sessions as well as a free Reiki meditation group where participants use subtle energy to clear and balance the seven major chakras under the guidance of Lauryl Osborne, a WU Reiki grad and life coach. Participants have reported a greater sense of calm and improved overall sense of well-being.

Stop re-traumatizing yourself. Surviving R Kelly, Government shutdown, LAUSD teachers' strike --- bad news is everywhere! Do you find yourself glued to the TV or radio or Internet to immerse yourself in the blow-by-blow drama of bad news? Take some chill time. Producer, director and author, Yetta Young, has added Chief Curator to her many credits. Young is the creator of Incense, Love and Meditation, a premium incense curated as a therapeutic ritual for creatives, healers, and those seeking to vibrate higher. It supports self-reflection and healing. Fire on up and be inspired and empowered to step away from the TV, turn off broadcast radio, and do something that reminds you of how good your life is. Use the time to meditate or learn something new. Listen to an informative podcast. Stream music of your choice without commercial interruptions. Reconnect with the humans in your life and play a parlor game or prepare a meal together.

Do a physical detox. Schedule a colonic at Moya Body Care, or contact Monisha to learn about their many detox programs. Drink sole water as part of your daily self-care practice. Make sure you select an internal cleansing program that suits your lifestyle.

There's a Color for That!


Everything is energy. Energy is everything. All that we see, think, feel, say, touch, experience has a vibration ... a frequency ... that affects our physical and mental state. Like essential oils, colors can be used to alter how we receive, process and release Universal energy. In fashion, the color black denotes power and strength. Blue evokes a sense of calm, like tranquil ocean waters. Purple denotes luxury and nobility. In the world of energy, each chakra is associated with a color that governs a specific set of emotions. Prayer, rituals and spell work use colored candles to amplify specific energies for healing, manifesting, and shifting energy. While there are some general color correspondences, don't be afraid to select colors based on how they make YOU feel. As a starting point, here is a partial list of colors and their meanings when working with candles.

  • Black: grounding, absorbs negativity, stops gossip and lies, reverses curses

  • Blue: calming, shifting energy surrounding fidelity and loyalty, clarity, psychic awareness

  • Brown: grounding, nurturing, earth magick (plants, animals, elements), stability, common sense, finding lost items

  • Green: fertility, money, prosperity, growth, new beginnings, success

  • Lavender: counteracts depression, calming, intuition, healing, consecration

  • Orange: good luck, energy, good fortune, energy, stamina, victory in legal matters

  • Purple: insight, divination, clairvoyance, spiritual awareness

  • Pink: love, forgiveness, compassion, harmony

  • Red: speeds results, ambition, power, passion, vitality

  • White: cleansing, healing, peaceful, all purpose (use as a substitute for any other color in spell and energy work)

There's an Oil for That!

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Essential oils raise vibrations through diffusion to cleanse, purify, sanctify and strengthen a space in preparation for life activities and high spiritual work. They amplify energies for healing, meditation, manifesting and spell work when used in bathing, worn on the skin, or inhaled. Rub them on a candle to be burned during rituals, energy work or spell casting. Whatever your desired outcome, there's an oil for that!

Enjoy this brief list of oil correspondences from one of my favorite references, Simple Candle Magick. Don't be shy. If there is something more you'd like to learn, request membership to my Powerful Rituals for Self-care and Insightful Living Group on Facebook. There, you can ask questions and gain access to an knowledgeable and nurturing community of healers, seekers, ritualists and magickal beings.

  • Achievement and Success: cinnamon, ginger, lemon, peony

  • Cleansing and Purification: cedar, chamomile, coconut, lavender, lemon, mint, rosemary, sage, sandalwood

  • Divination and Psychic Abilities: cinnamon, cherry, honeysuckle, hibiscus, jasmine, lemon, orange, peppermint, pomegranate, rose

  • Fertility: cucumber, grape, hazel, patchouli, pine, pomegranate

  • Health and Healing: apple, blackberry, cedar, cinnamon, cucumber, lemon, mint, pine, rose, rosemary, sandalwood

  • Joy and Happiness: catmint, honeysuckle, hyacinth, lavender, lemon

  • Knowledge and Intelligence: grape, rosemary, sage, spearmint

  • Love and Friendship: apple, apricot, catmint, chamomile, cherry, cinnamon, Dragon's Blood, hibiscus, hyacinth, jasmine, lavender, lemon, passionflower, peach, rose, rosemary, sweet pea, strawberry, vanilla

  • Lust and Sexual Desire: cinnamon, hibiscus, lemon, mint, rosemary, vanilla

  • Peace and Calm: chamomile, lavender, passionflower

  • Protection: aloe, blackberry, cedar, cinnamon, Dragon's Blood, frankincense, hyacinth, lavender, mint, pine, raspberry, rose, rosemary, sage, sandalwood

  • Wealth and Prosperity: almond, blackberry, cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, grape, jasmine, mint, orange, patchouli, pecan, pine

Tempting Turmeric Healing Tea

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This healthy alternative to the hot toddy contains no alcohol, reduces inflammation, relieves muscle pain and boosts the immune system. It only takes a few minutes to prepare. Remember to use essential oils that are safe for oral consumption. We recommend doTERRA. Click here to stock your pantry with certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

Ingredients & Directions

  • 1 drop turmeric essential oil

  • 1 drop clove essential oil

  • 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

  • 1 tbls. local honey

  • 2 cups hot spring water

  • 1 tbls. apple cider vinegar

  • juice from 1 lemon.

  1. Combine essential oils, honey and hot water. Shake well.

  2. Add apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Makes 2 servings. Safe to store in tightly sealed container for up to 4 hours. No need to refrigerate.


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Who else loves sweet potato pie? In my opinion, a well-made sweet potato pie is the best thing about the holiday season. I was in born and raised in south central Los Angeles, California, but I am from farming roots in Houma, Louisiana. Whenever my aunts and uncles visited during the holiday season, our home was transformed into a warm bastion of southern comfort. Never before, and not since, that time have I enjoyed such wholesome, delicious meals. I believe the magic was in the combination of knowing how to select the absolute best ingredients, and the vibration of pure love and joy during meal preparation. Of all the wonderful dishes, sweet potato pie remains my favorite, but age and wisdom have alerted me to the health hazards of too much butter and sugar and flour. I set out to find an alternative support my obsession with sweet potato pie. The result is this wonderful beverage that can be served hot or cold and sipped or eaten with a spoon.

Sweet potatoes are a true comfort food with many health benefits. They are anti-inflammatory, plus the aroma relieves congestion of the nose, lungs and bronchi. They are high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, iron and magnesium, which help to increase energy. As a complex carbohydrate, sweet potatoes supply the body with a steady stream of energy because the glucose is gradually released into the body.

Add a few high-nutrient spices and a bit of apple cider vinegar to a sweet potato to create a delectable, high-energy sweet potato pie-like beverage. Replace your morning or afternoon caffeinated drink with this creamy delight. Make sure you are using high quality essential oils that are safe for ingestion by clicking here, or select the Essential Oils link from our menu. To make this dish extra special, pray or meditate over your finished product to fill it with love and light for maximum health and enjoyment. Bottoms up and happy holidays!


  • 1 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk (heated if preferred)

  • 1 c. plain Greek yogurt (low-fat if you must, or a dairy-free alternative)

  • 1 c. ice

  • 1 large sweet potato cooked and peeled

  • 1 tbls. raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the Mother

  • 1 drop cinnamon bark essential oil

  • 1 drop ginger essential oil

  • 1 drop clove essential oil

  • 2 drops vanilla extract

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • Whipped cream or marshmallows (optional for topping)

  • Dash of ground cinnamon (optional for topping)

Combine all ingredients on high in a blender and blend until frothy. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows and a dash of ground cinnamon. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.

Sweet & Spicy Magical Healing Tea


As fall turns to winter and temperatures begin to drop, colds, flu and other sinus-related illnesses are on the rise. In support of our passionate obsession with the healing benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV), Wellness Uprising has been scouring about and testing delicious teas and tinctures to support a healthier immune system and improved cell functioning. This sweet & spicy magical healing tea gets a thumbs-up!


  • 2 cups white tea (made with pH balanced/alkaline water)

  • 1 drop ginger essential oil

  • 1 drop clove essential oil

  • 1 tbls. raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the Mother (ACV)

Cloves are deliciously aromatic and they protect against and prevent illness by increasing white blood cell count to boost the immune system. They contain calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, roboflavin, niacin, folate and Vitamins C, B, A, E, D and K among others. The powerful combination of cloves with ACV improves the functioning of all the body’s systems.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high (until frothy). This tea can be stored in a tightly sealed jar for up to 4 hours. Best if drank immediately.

I know you’re asking, “Where’s the magic?” The answer is, it’s inside of you! If your belief system supports it, speak healing authority over your tea by praying over it. Reiki Practitioners, infuse your mug by holding the tea between your palms and running Reiki for a minute or two before drinking. Affirm your health and well being. And so it is.

Just do it!

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The vibration of "Just do it" isn't solely for athletes and Nike. There is something in the air urging us to get off our butts and just do it! Whether your "it" is ending a toxic relationship, losing weight, getting healthy, living mindfully, starting a business, buying a home, starting or finishing school, changing careers, or having a baby, it seems there is no time, tolerance, support or space for languishing in the comfort zone. In fact, the comfort zone is out of service. The message is clear ----we are in a season of doing. It is in this spirit that Wellness Uprising continues to create activities, services and workshops to help you level up.

In July and August, healing sessions with our clients were filled with deep emotions and release in the form of tears. Post-session conversations revealed longstanding relationships that aren't working anymore, regrets, fears, and imbalanced and unsustainable lifestyles brought on by unhealthy life choices. Self-love and self-care are at a low as we struggle to navigate this energy of evolution and heightened awareness. We asked Spirit how Wellness Uprising can support and help others heal within our purpose and we were guided to expand our offering of supportive therapies and services.

We are committed to creating and holding a sacred space for self-healing. We understand the need for intervention. This is the impetus behind the Reiki Summer Series (ending 9/19), the weekly guided Reiki Meditation Group (ongoing), and the unexpected addition of an autumn Reiki Certification Class (10/6-10/7). Our goal is to sprinkle opportunities for you to learn, grow, heal and ascend throughout each month. We are more than happy to hold the space, but it is up to you to step in and just do it! You are your own holy physician.We have built it. Our doors are open. Come get your healing.


  • Tuesdays September 4, 11, 18 and 25 - Free Guided Reiki Meditation Group: Generously funded by a local clinic, this weekly 30-minute gathering is an opportunity to become familiar with the power of your own reiki for stress release, deep relaxation, peace of mind and clarity. We respect and honor your time, so these sessions begin promptly at 7:00 PM and end at 7:30. Space is limited so RSVP via phone call or text to Lauryl, (323) 454-1124.
  • Friday, September 21 Reiki Share: Cleansing and healing Reiki share in honor of the fall equinox. Start the season with clear chakras and a sparkling aura.


  • If you're not one for groups, schedule a private Reiki or Chakra Balancing or Physio Spiritual Aromatherapy session.
  • With the help of our spirit guides, we've created a Reiki session for Reiki Practitioners. This service is specially designed to reinforce connection with the Reiki symbols, fortify the use of Reiki for the achievement of your goals, and to release unwanted energy.
  • Healer's Heaven addresses mental, emotional and physical fatigue experienced by healers and practitioners of various modalities. Whether you're a clinician, community activist, energy healer, law enforcement officer, politician, parent, teacher or minister, you will benefit from this renewing and restorative service.


  • Become a Reiki Master: We are accepting new students in the Reiki Master Self-Paced Home Study program. No prerequisites. This course covers Reiki I, II and Master/Teacher level. Work at your own pace.
  • Sunday, September 30 Ear Candling Class: Please join our healing partner, Moya Body Care Wellness Institute, for an exciting day of learning, practical hands-on activity, & fun. This half-day workshop will provide step-by-step instructions for using ear cone-candling effectively. Each participant will have the opportunity to have their ears candled, and will do the procedure to another during the workshop (2 candles are provided per person). Extra ear cone candles will be available the day of the workshop for a special price for participants. A Certificate for workshop participation is also included. Call for details: (562) 682-0818.
  • October 6-7 Reiki I and II Certification Class: Enroll in our last Reiki certification class of the year. Call or text Rhonda at (323) 454-1124 to inquire about our client discount.
  • Friday, October 19 Introduction to Pendulums: A fun, interactive workshop to become familiar with subtle energy and the use of pendulums for insightful living. 

Gassho Meditation: Your Key to Reiki Renewal

On Dr. Mikao Usui's memorial stone it is written: "Mornings and evenings, sit in the Gassho position and repeat these words [the Reiki Ideals] out loud and in your heart." Gassho is used in prayer, in reverence, or as a greeting. For Reiki Practitioners, Gasshocan be is paired with the Reiki Precepts in meditation to open the heart, strengthen one's Reiki connection, and clear and balance the chakras. This meditation can be done standing or sitting and it takes 15-30 minutes. Some refer to the Gassho Meditation as one of the three pillars of Reiki. The other two pillars are Reiji-ho and Chiryo and will be covered in a separately.

  • Begin with your eyes closed and hands in Gassho position. Make sure your fingers are pointed upward with thumbs pressed gently at the heart chakra in the center of the chest.
  • Place your attention on the fingers thta are next to your index fingers.
  • It is not unusual for distractions to occur. Simply allow them to float by as you return focus to your middle fingers. Make sure your fingers remain touching.
  • After a few minutes, recite the Reiki Precepts aloud (for beginners) or to yourself (when you become more comfortable).
  • Remain in this meditative pose until your intuition urges you to stop.
  • Take three deep breaths and give thanks to Reiki for this time. Slowly open your eyes.

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Purification rituals

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I am called upon, from time to time, to offer blessings in a new home, or to bless a newly purchased item. I love and welcome these opportunities to perform rituals that shift energy toward a specific outcome. Here, I will share two rituals, one which clears and purifies second-hand or pre-handled items. The second ritual is for blessing a new home. This double-whammy approach will enliven your living space with good energy and set the stage for restful sleep, good health, peace, harmony, and lots of love and good times.


The element of fire is used by nearly every religious group in ceremonies all over the world. Fire invigorates, purifies, cleanses and transforms energy. Candle magick involves the use of fire and candles, combined with setting intentions toward a specific outcome. The more specific your request, the better your results.

In general, energy work (including candle magick) should be practiced with an intent to "do no harm." Willful interference in the personal energy flow of another should only be done with their permission or, as in the case of infants or people who are mentally incapacitated (in a coma, Dementia, severe mental retardation, etc.), with the permission of a legal guardian.


Items Needed

  • dried rosemary needles
  • dried sage leaves
  • dried thyme
  • few cedar chips
  • fire safe bowl or cauldron

Put cedar chips in fire safe container and light them. When the smoke begins to rise, add the herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme). When a good bit of smoke is wafting, pass the item through it and say: "rosemary, sage, and thyme, remove any evil which may dwell within. Cedar, clear this (name the item) and make it new. Smoke, wash away the past. As I will it, so let it be."

If your item is too big to pass through the smoke, walk in circles around the item, using your hand to guide the smoke toward it.

Leave the burning items to extinguish on their own.

NEW HOME BLESSING (candle ritual)

Items Needed

  • white candle
  • cinnamon stick
  • hot water
  • sage oil
  • small spray bottle

Perform this ritual on the first night after moving into a new house or apartment.

Stand in the center of the home and light the white candle. Pass the cinnamon stick through the flame several times, until you can smell the fragrance of the cinnamon. Save the cinnamon stick for further use.

Add hot water to the spray bottle with 7 drops of sage while saying: "sage of cleansing purity, bless my home. It will be a place I love merrily. It will be a place I live happily. Sage of cleansing purity banish sickness, fear, and keep loneliness at bay. In this house, I will welcome true friends."

Walk through every room of the house repeating these words and spritzing each area three times. Don't forget to include closets.

Using the same cinnamon stick, simmer it every night for 7 nights, allowing the scent to permeate the home. Discard the cinnamon stick in the front yard after use.

Reiki for Caregivers

Reiki offers tremendous benefits to America’s more than 44 million 'informal' or 'family' caregivers who provide unpaid care for family and friends in need.

The most common informal caregiver is an adult child caring for an aging parent. In other scenarios, caregivers may support an elderly or sick spouse, aging grandparents, severely disabled children or siblings, grandchildren whose parents are unable to provide care, disabled friends or neighbors. In the U.S., informal caregivers provide 80% of long term care. Most are middle-aged women and many work full time jobs. They struggle with deep-seated feelings of guilt, anger, loneliness, depression and exhaustion. Shared illnesses throughout this population include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high levels of stress hormones and a compromised immune system. They spend lots of time taking care of others, yet tend to neglect themselves and, compared to non-caregivers, they are less likely to prepare healthy meals or get sufficient sleep and exercise. Below are some benefits Reiki may bring to address issues specific to caregivers.

Reiki presents an opportunity to slow down and focus on self-care. Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes. During this time, clients enter a state of calm and relaxation that may elude them in every day life. They emerge feeling rested, energized and with an overall sense of well-being. In following weeks, they tend to take better care of themselves and pay closer attention to their own mental, emotional and physical needs.

Reiki provides relief for feelings of overwhelm. If you're a caregiver you probably cannot remember the last time you had an entire hour to focus on your own healing and well-being. A scheduled Reiki session is about one hour long. That's an entire hour during which you release all demands placed upon you in everyday life and relax into a state of receiving pure love, light and positive energy. You will emerge from a single session feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Reiki can be used for positive behavior modification. Reiki can be performed with a specific intent in mind. With the Reiki practitioner, determine some specific changes you would like to see in your life. During the session you will remove energy blockages that prevent you from choosing healthy behaviors. It's like a form of self-hypnosis, gently planting seeds that subtly modify your daily life choices, nudging you into alignment with your true desires for yourself.

Reiki is proven to support the immune system. Preliminary studies show that Reiki may increase the number of white blood cells present in subjects. An enhanced immune system means fewer incidences of colds, flu and infections.

Reiki may help lower blood pressure. In one study, heart rate and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly in people who received 30 minutes of Reiki, as compared to a placebo intervention or 30 minutes of rest.

Integrate Reiki into your self-care regimen to feel more in control. Reiki is something you can have done to you by a practitioner, or you can learn to perform Reiki on yourself and on those you are caring for. By taking a level I Reiki class with a certified Reiki Master Teacher, you are taking steps toward, and opening yourself up to, a system of self-care and healing that is available to you anytime, anyplace and in any amount needed.

If you are caring for a loved one, or if you work in a care giving profession, make Reiki part of your self-care program. Visit Family Caregiving Alliance or USC Family Caregiver Support Center for more information and resources. Check Events/Specials to join an upcoming Reiki certification class or introductory workshop at Wellness Uprising.

Reiki Origins

Reiki is a system of energy healing that was re-discovered in the late 1800s by a Japanese man, Dr. Mikao Usui, whose life quest was to find out how to become more spiritually enlightened.

Dr. Usui searched all the religions of the world, researching in their holy books and questioning the learned among them. He eventually learned Sanskrit to be able to read the sutras, which are ancient books of esoteric Hindu religious teaching, where he found the techniques. Having acquired the knowledge, he then fasted and meditated for 21 days and was given the understanding of how to apply this gift of healing. He then opened a treatment and training center in Tokyo in 1922, healing the poor and sick for 7 years before bringing this healing technique to the world.

Dr. Usui taught Reiki for the rest of his life. He brought it to the people by teaching and passing on the knowledge through a process we now call "attunement.". It may be passed along from Reiki masters to initiates so that they may use Reiki on themselves and others, or reach master level and teach others and pass it on. It is a religion-less form of healing, open to anyone who wants to learn. You can be a follower of any religion (or none at all) and can still practice Reiki. By teaching it this way there are no requirements that would stop anyone from knowing how to access and use Reiki energy for good. It is a form of channeling life force energy through the practitioner to the recipient. In the process the practitioner receives healing energy as well as the recipient.

Reiki is made up of two words, Rei, meaning God or Higher Intelligence, and Ki (Chi in Chinese), meaning life force energy. So Reiki means intelligent life force energy. It is a system of channeling that energy and nothing more. One doesn’t need to know any more than that. Reiki is 100% intuitive --- the energy flows through the body to where it is most needed. There is no need to know or diagnose what is wrong with a person’s health, as Reiki adapts to the needs of the recipient. There are many benefits of receiving Reiki. It is a natural, drug-free stress reliever. Reiki relieves anxiety, calms the nerves, and supports deep relaxation and meditation. It helps to release blocked emotions and suppressed feelings. The Reiki practitioner is a vessel and anyone who is taught how can do this.

If you would like to become a Reiki practitioner, click on the Events/Specials tab for upcoming Reiki certification classes in Los Angeles, California. We welcome the opportunity to help you unlock your innate self-healing abilities.


Rock the Chakras

It sometimes seems that all things energy lead to questions about the chakra system. What exactly are chakras? How do they function? Why is their balance and clarity important to humans?

The human body is surrounded by, permeated with and consists of a multidimensional energy field called the aura. The aura contains flowing channels of energy that supply nourishment to every cell and organ in the body. These energy streams are called meridians. Chakras are rotating vortices of energy that receive energy from THE universal energy field; they feed that collected energy into the meridians, which in turn feed energy to every cell and organ in the body. This is the flow cycle of the human energy field.

There are seven in-body chakras located along the length of the spine up to the crown of the head. Each of these chakras is associated with a color of the rainbow spectrum. The root chakra is located at the tailbone or base of the spine. It resonates with the color red. Between the pubic bone and navel is the sacral chakra. It is the seat of passion and creativity and vibrates to the color orange. The solar plexus is located about two inches above the navel. It carries the color yellow and governs our sense of self and will. Located in the center of the chest is the heart chakra, and it resonates with the color green. This is our feeling center. The throat chakra is in the middle of the neck and it governs creative and communicative expression in all forms; it resonates with the color blue. The 3rd eye or brow chakra is responsible for intuition, dreams and our curiosity about spirituality. It radiates the color indigo. The crown chakra maintains a connection to the universe or God energy and it resonates to the colors violet or white. This chakra sustains an awareness that we are connected to a larger source such as God, Christ, Buddha, Allah, etc..

The human chakra system is complex and multi-layered. It takes years of study to learn all that is known about each chakra and related functions. For example, chakras have different front- and back-side functions. Each develops and matures at a different time in our lives. Every chakra is associated with mental beliefs, feelings, physical processes and spiritual perceptions. There are 12 chakras that govern our existence on this plane, and 20 spiritual energy centers or chakras, for a total of 32. Even more chakras are reputed to exist, depending on the person doing the talking. The consistent understanding of chakras, though, is that they hold the key to our personal, professional and physical issues. In short, clear and balanced chakras facilitate clear and balanced energy flow, which leads to clear and balanced life choices and, in turn, clear and balanced life circumstances. If we are to thrive in times of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, we must be willing to care for our chakras and energy body as well as our physical body. They work hand-in-hand and always seek stability and an equilibrium in the body, mind and soul which can only be achieved through wholistic self-care.

Energy Body Language

The human body speaks many languages. Each body part holds meaning and has a specific way of communicating physical and energetic needs. This blog entry offers a broad summary of what different body parts may be trying to say to you.

Energetically, feet are associated with grounding and basic survival needs. Chronic foot problems or repeated tripping and stumbling may indicate issues with money, career, home life, or the personal safety and security of your family or your self.

Energetically, feet are associated with grounding and basic survival needs. Chronic foot problems or repeated tripping and stumbling may indicate issues with money, career, home life, or the personal safety and security of your family or your self.

Energetically, knees represent how we move through life. They are an indicator of how quickly and fluidly we pivot, shift, turn, stop and start through life's many ups, downs and unexpected changes. How do you recover after spontaneous change? Knee …

Energetically, knees represent how we move through life. They are an indicator of how quickly and fluidly we pivot, shift, turn, stop and start through life's many ups, downs and unexpected changes. How do you recover after spontaneous change? Knee pain, injury, swelling, soreness, weakness and buckling may imply a need to be more flexible, adaptable and accepting of life changes. There may also be a need to be better prepared for the unexpected.

Thigh energy relates to beliefs we hold pertaining to masculinity and femininity. These 'acceptances' may be inherited or the result of social programming. Sexual ambiguity and unprocessed emotions related to masculine and feminine nature may also n…

Thigh energy relates to beliefs we hold pertaining to masculinity and femininity. These 'acceptances' may be inherited or the result of social programming. Sexual ambiguity and unprocessed emotions related to masculine and feminine nature may also need to be addressed. Physically, these issues may manifest as thigh pain, popping or snapping, weakness, or over- or under-developed thigh muscles.

Hips are associated with root chakra energy. They relate to and govern career and job related issues. Hip joint problems, pain on the inside or outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock may indicate a need to reassess career goals, rethink y…

Hips are associated with root chakra energy. They relate to and govern career and job related issues. Hip joint problems, pain on the inside or outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock may indicate a need to reassess career goals, rethink your current employment situation, develop new skills, make a career change or create an exit plan. Use your intuition and seek help from ancestral and spirit guides to point you in the right direction.

The sacral chakra is located about two inches below the navel in the lower abdomen. It houses feelings, sensuality, intimacy, emotions and pleasure. Pelvic pain, cramps, urinary disorders and issues with the reproductive system in men and women may …

The sacral chakra is located about two inches below the navel in the lower abdomen. It houses feelings, sensuality, intimacy, emotions and pleasure. Pelvic pain, cramps, urinary disorders and issues with the reproductive system in men and women may indicate a need to get in touch with your feelings. It's time to heal old emotional wounds so you can reconnect to people and circumstances that bring you joy and pleasure.

The stomach area above the navel is related to the solar plexus chakra. This is the center of your mental gifts and success drivers. If you have stomach ulcers, tingles or pain in your belly, acid reflux/indigestion, pancreatic or metastatic cancer,…

The stomach area above the navel is related to the solar plexus chakra. This is the center of your mental gifts and success drivers. If you have stomach ulcers, tingles or pain in your belly, acid reflux/indigestion, pancreatic or metastatic cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis or stress, it may be time to honor your gut instincts and reacquaint yourself with what you want and what brings you true joy and happiness. Stop worrying about what others think of you. Release any fears and worries. Stop being a control freak!

Energetically, the heart relates to the heart chakra. This is where we harbor beliefs about our innocence and worthiness of pure and simple desires and needs. It is the center of relationships, behaviors and personality. Congestive heart failure, st…

Energetically, the heart relates to the heart chakra. This is where we harbor beliefs about our innocence and worthiness of pure and simple desires and needs. It is the center of relationships, behaviors and personality. Congestive heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, congenital heart disease or arrhythmia may signal a need for balance in your business, romantic or platonic relationships. It also speaks to how you relate to family and others in the world.

Energetically, the thymus gland is associated with the connection between you and your spiritual identity. This includes your beliefs about the right to be strong and safe. Lymphatic system disorders, immune system problems, thymoma, DiGeorge's synd…

Energetically, the thymus gland is associated with the connection between you and your spiritual identity. This includes your beliefs about the right to be strong and safe. Lymphatic system disorders, immune system problems, thymoma, DiGeorge's syndrome or thymus cancer may signal a need to reconnect with Source, embrace your divinity, and establish an awareness that you are meant to have a joy-filled, healthy and balanced existence, free from illness and debilitating stress.

The face is associated with how you see the world and what you need to see when you wake up in the morning. Unexplained skin eruptions, uneven skin tone, chapped lips, yellow or redness in the whites of eyes, or swollen eyes may indicate a need to s…

The face is associated with how you see the world and what you need to see when you wake up in the morning. Unexplained skin eruptions, uneven skin tone, chapped lips, yellow or redness in the whites of eyes, or swollen eyes may indicate a need to shift your perspective of the world. You may be missing or misinterpreting something important. Slow down in the morning so you can connect with messages from the universe. Take a moment to ask, "What should I be taking notice of"? Watch and listen for responses from your higher self.

Chakra balancing bath ritual for Reiki practitioners

Reiki-empowered Himalayan Pink Salt

Reiki-empowered Himalayan Pink Salt

Reiki self-treatments are the coolest gifts of being Reiki attuned. If you've received Reiki empowerment to level I, II or III, you have everything you need at your fingertips to call Universal life force into your being for relaxation and self-healing. Paired with rituals, Reiki can serve to strengthen connections to Source and empower you to elicit positive life change with ease and grace. One such ritual is the chakra balancing bath ritual for Reiki practitioners.

Reiki is 100% intuitive; it knows where to go and what to do for your greatest healing benefit. Additionally, balanced  and clear chakras are a natural by-product of Reiki. When we enhance Reiki with healing intentions and elements to support positive outcomes, something as mundane as a bath becomes a sacred act of revolutionary self-care.

Use this chakra balancing bath ritual any time to clear chakras, brighten the aura, and relax mind and body.

Items needed

  • 4 cups of Himalayan pink salt (detoxifying) or Epsom salt (clears the aura and releases unwanted energy)
  • 16 ozs. Drinking water
  • Chakra Balancing essential oils
  • Votive candle (optional)
  • Relaxing music (optional)
  • Echoing Waters oil blend (optional)
  • Glass pitcher or bowl (optional)


  • The night before, pour Himalayan or Epsom salt into a glass pitcher or bowl of water. Empower with Reiki, cover and allow to soak overnight. This is especially helpful for dissolving large salt chunks.
  • To prepare the bath, run 3-4 inches of warm bath water in tub
  • Pour dissolved or undissolved HImalayan pink or Epsom salt into bath water. 
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei over water and in palms of hands
  • Holding hands 4-6 inches above water, set an intention for this bath to clear and balance all the chakras in the body for your highest healing good. Run Reiki in the water for a few minutes. 
  • Run more water in tub, enough to be able to immerse your body up to the neck. Make it warm enough to encourage light perspiration.
  • Light candle and play soft music if preferred. (optional)
  • Add 1-2 droppers of Echoing Waters relaxing oil blend. Swish in water spread. (optional)
  • Immerse your body fully into the tub. If you are unable to fit your body up to the neck, use a soft towel to wring water over exposed body parts throughout the bath.
  • Soak for at least 20 minutes. Periodically, take sips of the drinking water to stay hydrated.
  • After soaking, step out of tub and drain water. Give thanks for the healing that has occurred.
  • Do not use a drying towel --- allow your body to air dry
  • You will be deeply relaxed and may feel weak. This is Normal.
  • Option: End this ritual powerfully by doing a Reiki self-treatment while listening to Heartbeat or Strengthening Your Reiki Connection MP3 and waiting for your body to air dry. These meditations work best when heard through headphones or earplugs. You may have received them from me as part of your Reiki II certification class.

WARNING: Salt (brine) baths place high demands on the circulatory system. Consult with your doctor before performing this ritual if you have weak or poor heart circulation.

Frankincense Incense: How to Burn Frankincense Resin

Burning Incense Resin.jpg

Frankincense is believed by many to possess powerful healing properties. Frankincense essential oil is said to reduce inflammation, prevent infections, relieve anxiety, boost the immune system and fight cancer. It is used as an internal and topical aid to address skin issues. Additionally, researchers at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas have found that frankincense regulates epigenetic machinery. These are the mechanisms essential for normal development and maintenance of tissue-specific gene expression patterns in mammals. This regulation is believed to contribute to the potential use of frankincense as a cancer-fighting and prevention aid. In 2008, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology summarized that burning frankincense may be a viable way to alleviate anxiety or depression. Burning frankincense resin is common in religious and spiritual rituals for purification, meditation, spiritual protection and to enhance spiritual development (psychic energy). The sweet aroma is immediately calming and brings about a sense of peace and connection to one's soul and Source.

Raw incense resins are also referred to as oleoresins. Resins are the oldest forms of incense, used long before sticks or cones. My favorite magic and healing rituals involve burning frankincense or myrrh resin on a hot charcoal puck. As the oleoresin melts, its essential oils (oleo) are released first, followed by aromatic smoke.

Items Needed for Burning Incense Resin

·         Incense burner that can withstand intense heat and temperature change (soapstone, marble, terracotta, aluminum, etc.)

·         Natural ash or sand

·         Self-igniting charcoal puck

·         Tongs

·         Matches, lighter, gas stovetop or fireplace

·         Incense Resin

How to Burn Incense Resin on Charcoal

1.       Place about 2” of ash or sand in incense burner, forming a cone shape or mound.

2.       Holding charcoal puck with metal tongs, light the edge until you see tiny sparks.

3.       Place charcoal puck (concave side-up) on top of ash or sand mound, being careful to leave the edges exposed for air to flow around the charcoal.

4.       Allow charcoal to sit for 3-5 minutes, until it glows red with heat and is covered with gray ash.

5.       Being careful not to touch the charcoal (it can heat up to 1500 degrees), sprinkle a small amount of resin in the indention. ¼ to ½ teaspoon is enough, as more may smother the charcoal.

6.       Enjoy the aroma and smoke of the burning incense, feeling free to add more resin as the smoke thins out. Charcoal puck will remain hot for up to 60 minutes. Do not discard for at least 2 hours to allow proper cooling time. Even then, use tongs to avoid burning your hands.

Tess Whitehurst's Oatmeal Cookie Ritual for Abundance and Luck

Tess Whitehurst is a best-selling author, feng shui consultant and intuitive counselor. I absolutely adore her books. My favorite is Magical Housekeeping. I met Tess in a Reiki class many years ago. Her quiet confidence and magical swag resonated with me immediately. Tess shares magic in a way that makes the extraordinary feel perfectly ordinary and doable for anyone. If you enjoy energy shifting and manifesting, I strongly suggest you add her books to your library. It is with her expressed permission that I share the following ritual to accompany the recipe in the image above. It is a sweet and comforting way to invite abundance and luck into your life, and to share it with others.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. After you turn the knob to preheat, place your open palms on top of the stove and say: "I now summon and activate the luck, prosperous, and life-sustaining energies that live within this stove."
  • In a large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, oats, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
  • In a blender or food processor, blend the tofu, oil, agave or syrup, and vanilla.
  • Pour tofu mixture into the flour mixture, stir and say aloud or mentally, "health, wealth, joy, abundance, luck," over and over until blended.
  • Add chocolate chips and continue to stir while repeating mentally or aloud, "Life is sweet, and all is well."
  • Once the chocolate chips are well mixed, spoon heaping spoonfuls of dough onto a greased cookie sheet and place it in the oven. Just before you close the oven door, blow three kisses into the oven.
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the edges are browned.
  • Eat and share with whomever you'd like to bless with abundance and luck.


Sephoroton Pendulums for dowsing and divining

Sephoroton Pendulums for dowsing and divining

I LOVE PENDULUMS! Handmade, homemade, wood, metal, glass, plastic, crystal --- cones, drops, points, faceted, Foucault, spirals and wands. I recall the first time pendulums entered my consciousness. I grew up in south Los Angeles and went to Horace Mann Jr. High. It was 1974 and there was a record shop near the corner of Western and Florence called Trippin'. I used to save my allowance to buy LP's once a month. One day, I walked in the door and there were pendulums hanging in a display on the counter. I was captivated by the beautiful colors and gentle swing. Perhaps they stirred memories of my early encounters with subtle energy.

In the 1960's, my family would pack into a Ford Fairlane and drive to Louisiana to visit Mom's family. My grandfather stood 6' 7" and was a man of African American and Native American descent. He was a bible-thumping, backwoods Baptist minister, farmer and energy worker. I don't believe I ever saw him smile. He died when I was very young but I remember two things about him.  1) he would send my sister and me up the red clay dirt road several times a day to purchase one cigarette at a time, and 2) he used a handmade pendulum of ginger root and a tattered piece of rope. He called her Queenie and used her to flush out truths about what us young 'uns were up to in his absence. Holding Queenie over each of our heads he'd bark, "Queenie, who broke that plate?" She was a soulless tattler and accurate every time!

I didn't make an immediate connection to Queenie when I first saw pendulums hanging from a display on the counter in a south Los Angeles record shop called Trippin'. It was 1973 or 1974. I used to save my .50 cents weekly allowance to buy LP's. One day I entered the store and there they were, brightly colored and swinging gently back and forth. I was deeply moved by their rhythmic sway. That's when I began my collection. I didn't know what they were or how to use them; I only knew I felt a connection.

In the 2000's, I became an energy worker and my relationship with pendulums deepened as I learned to dowse for healing and simple answers. Like Grandpa's Queenie, I find them to be accurate. There is a lot of confusion surrounding this very simple yet powerful method of accessing information from the higher mind.

Anyone can use a pendulum. No special gifts or abilities are required. It is a skill that develops with practice, but there are a few rules. A pendulum will respond to any yes/no, either/or multiple choice question. The key is to be clear in the way a question is phrased. Do not attempt to predict the future and refrain from asking frivolous questions or query what you already consciously know. It is perfectly acceptable to ask about love, wisdom, your journey, the timing of important events, authenticity, or life choices. 

Depending on the nature of your questions and if time permits you can create a ritual around dowsing. Light a candle, say a prayer, call on your angels and guides and take notes. Sometimes a quick answer is needed (like finding your lost keys). Either way, with a few solid ground rules and a little guidance, you may grow to love pendulums, too!

Visit out Events page for details about upcoming pendulum workshops.

Stages of Healing With Essential Oils

Like everything in nature, essential oils are intuitive. Used properly, they guide the whole body through a five-step healing process. Each step lays a foundation for the next level of healing.

  1. Essential oils heal on a physical level. Some are 40-60 times more potent than herbs. They possess a combination of properties that are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, etc. They help the body ward off harmful micro-organisms, often relieving pain and discomfort in the process.

  2. Once the body is relieved of physical symptoms, it can shift focus to healing on an emotional level. As the physical body heals, the vibration increases. when this occurs, frequency gets higher and higher and it becomes more difficult for low-vibrating energy like grief, anger, fear and low self-esteem to remain. During this stage, unwanted energy moves to the surface and cycles out to the universe where it is purified and re-purposed for positive use.

  3. Essential oils promote emotional healing by getting to the root ails us. Once the cause of an issue is revealed at its root, we are able to release false beliefs that have held us hostage. This is the third, and probably most difficult, stage of healing with essential oils. Releasing limiting beliefs is how we clear away stagnant, unwanted energy to make room for positive energy flow.

  4. When space is cleared for positive energy to flow freely, we open to receive messages from higher consciousness/spirit/the universe. We begin to get very clear about what is best and right for our own personal journey in this life. This increased spiritual connection also acts a preventive --- turning us away from destructive and unloving choices.

  5. When we communicate openly, clearly and consistently with spirit, our life's purpose becomes evident. Answers to the big questions are revealed and we develop the time, energy and skills to step into the spotlight that shines just for us.

If you'd like to experience the power of healing with essential oils, come to Wellness Uprising for an aromatherapy session. Our practitioners will create and hold a sacred space for your highest and most complete healing.

Body Talk: Language of the Chakras

The human body has a communication system that raises consciousness about what has happened (past), what is happening (present), or what is going to happen (future) on physical, psychic and soul levels. In humans, chakras form a bridge between the mundane (material) and the Divine (spiritual) in both the body and the universe. The condition and health of the chakras, how clear and balanced they are, determine our ability to give material form to our thoughts and desires, the process also referred to as manifesting. Chakras may be considered the "voice" of the body, mind and soul, as they communicate to meet mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs. Each chakra speaks to us in a different way to try and tell us what we need to know to be balanced, healthy and whole. 

Last week I cut my hand while washing dishes. My physical body reacted by stinging and bleeding, sending a root chakra survival message to stop the bleeding and address the pain. The throat chakra chimed in with verbal expression as I hissed and cursed for a few seconds. Intuitively (3rd eye chakra), I reached for a fresh leaf from the aloe vera plant in the bay window to speed the healing process. Spirit speaks to me through music, a third chakra expression, so I could not ignore India Arie's song, Slow Down, playing on my iPad at the time ("thinking the faster that I go, the faster that I will reach my goal. The race is not given to the swift, but the one that endureth..."). It was a combined effort from my crown and throat chakras, alerting me to the need to slow down and pay attention to what I'm doing. Later, while meditating and doing a Reiki self-treatment, Source summed it all up for me by sending a message from my soul through the seventh chakra: "You cut your finger to call attention to your need to slow down, pay attention to what you're doing, and take care of yourself because something is about to happen that will require a great deal of your focus and energy." Three days later, my BFF's father had a massive heart attack and, after seven days in a coma, made his final transition. Because I heeded the signs, I was well rested, clear in my thinking, and able to be physically and mentally present for the family in their time of need. It's all connected.

Physical, psychic and intuitive communication is just one important function of the chakras. They also record and store records of past, present and future events that affect us in the now, and they regulate body functions. These are the reasons it is important to practice good energy hygiene by regularly clearing and balancing the chakras. This can be done through meditation, intentional spiritual work or energy healing with a qualified practitioner. Learn about ways to clear and balance your own chakras with Ancestral Alchemy Chakra Healing Elixirs. The clearer your chakras, the more easily you'll understand what's happening in and around you and the healthier life choices you'll make.